An event-convention, to present the benefits and characteristics of using pesticides in agriculture. The Sacred Heart Catholic University in Piacenza has decided to go beyond the commonplace to illustrate the great progresses made recently in the research sector.
kuBOX has permitted the creation of integrated solutions for interactive communications, covering all of the various phases of the Symposium: before, during and after.
In fact, kuBOX was used to create the website, with a reserved area for collecting the abstracts and reports and another public area dedicated to institutions, information and promotions (through the publication of sponsor logos and banners). This site is functioning at present and the texts from the reserved area were used to create the book of Convention Papers.
Furthermore, kuBOX was used in the creation of multimedia supports during the Symposium, with which the participants and visitors could have access to a panoramic presentation of the program and speakers, viewing informational videos and consulting service notifications and communications.